
Friday, March 23, 2012

No Excuses Workouts

I've started using a somewhat different workout plan. The website is done by a great guy named Jonathan. He is a personal trainer and does offer extra if you pay, but he also has a lot of free advice. I have signed up for his free daily emails. They have lots of great thoughts and are a great reminder to make healthy choices all day.

The main workout tool that Jonathan focuses on is intervals. Intervals are a super effective at getting your heart rate up and getting a good exercise session in in under 30 minutes. Intervals have been springing up a lot recently. They have lots of health benefits. The best part, you get to choose what exercise you want to do. Here is a link to Jonathan's sample interval workout.

So, for example, I did my first interval workout today. I chose to use a stationary bike as my exercise. Quick note, everything is done according to a 1-10 difficulty scale. 1 is super easy, 10 is you're passing out from over-exertion. You start out with a 5 minute warm-up at a 4-5 (so a comfortable normal pace that gets your heart beating a little harder. Then you follow the rest of the table. 3 minutes of harder work, then 1 minute of resting pace. You repeat this until you get to 20 minutes then you do a 5 minute cool down. You can use this pattern with lots of stuff. Running, walking, biking, hiking, dancing, or pretty much anything that you can do different levels of intensity and also get your heart-rate up.

Try it out! You'll feel better afterward! :)

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