
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


FlyLady cartoon

Has anyone heard of FLYLady? I'm sure at least a couple have. A lot of my thought and things that I try to incorporate each day stem from her. FLYLady (Finally Loving Yourself) is all about organizing your life into routines and daily habits. She's got lots of fun little sayings that really help me out and just make sense.

I know that when my house is messy, or when I haven't written down and scheduled things out, I feel like a complete wreck. I'm stressed out and scatter-brained and can't really accomplish anything (or really want to). When I let my house fall into CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) I don't feel like going out, or getting dressed in the morning. I for sure don't want to eat healthy or exercise. It's just a sad destructive cycle.

Sometimes we need a friendly shove to get us out of that. FLYLady does that for me. She sends out reminder emails about different things to do to help you get back on the path to organization. One of my favorite things that she says is "You can do anything for 15 minutes". It is actually amazing what you can accomplish in that time too. Try it! If there is something that you are putting off, dreading to do, or can't find time for, just set your timer for 15 minutes and tell yourself that you can stop when your time is up. You'll be surprised, I promise! This is also a great way to get started on exercising. Just tell yourself your are going to do two to four 15 minute workouts during the day. Schedule some time for them. Make it happen!

Another one of my problems.... I'm a perfectionist. If I think I can't do it right immediately then I put it off (procrastinator too!). Most perfectionists are actually that way. Another FLYLady-ism "Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family." Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to fudge a little on our housework just so we can get it done so we can feel better. If this means only vacuuming in high traffic areas, or doing a quick wipe down of counters and toilet instead of the whole bathroom, it still helps.

Anyway, those are my thoughts today. If you have more questions about FLYLady let me know. I can share what knowledge I have. You can also check out her website and sign up for her emails yourself. You won't be sorry! :)

1 comment:

Sondra said...

Thanks for this sometime there is only time for 15 min things so this is one I am going to try to us.